The 57th SCS Conference on Stereochemistry (“Bürgenstock-Conference 2024”) will take place at Brunnen from April 28 – May 2, 2024 under the presidency of Prof. Erick M. Carreira, ETH Zurich. As in previous years the Conference will support the participation of a number of outstanding young scientists by fellowships of CHF 1’000, covering the registration fee as well as a substantial part of the accommodation costs. On behalf of the president, and the organizing committee, I would like to ask you for your help in identifying candidates worthy of support. The person’s research interests should be close to the theme of the conference – organic chemistry in a broad and interdisciplinary sense. The ideal applicant has completed a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in 2015 or later (2013 if parental leave), is building up an independent research group at an academic institution with at least one publication as (co)-corresponding author, and has not been supported before. They should not have the equivalent of a senior permanent/tenured position.
The program of the 57th “Bürgenstock-Conference” will again be highly interdisciplinary, covering many areas of synthetic organic chemistry in its main body, but allowing also for relevant highlights from neighbouring disciplines, such as metal-organic chemistry, materials, supramolecular, structural and physical chemistry, industrial chemistry and chemical biology. By tradition, the program of the “Bürgenstock-Conference” is not published in advance, but previous conference programs (available at: are representative of the quality of the science presented. The program consists of 14 plenary lectures (60 minutes), each followed by a discussion session of 30 minutes. Thus, there will be ample time for each topic to be presented fully and examined from different angles and perspectives. Lectures and discussions are held in the mornings and the evenings. The afternoons are free for recreation, informal discussions, and poster sessions. In additions, selected JSP fellows will have the occasion to give a short presentation just before the poster sessions. I would appreciate if you could communicate to me the name of a suitable candidate, before the 15th of November 2023, and also if you could invite this candidate to send me a curriculum vitae with official date of PhD degree, complete address, e-mail and a list of publications by the same date (preferably by e-mail: . I am very grateful for your help, which is invaluable for the success of the Bürgenstock-Conferences.
57th SCS Conference on Stereochemistry